suicide prevention
All suicide clues & warning signs should be taken seriously. There are signs and clues that we can learn to look for to see if someone is thinking about suicide. There can be direct verbal clues, such as someone saying "I wish I were dead", or indirect verbal clues, such as "I just want out". Other signs might be a person withdrawing from things they normally love to do or when a person goes through a major life change, such as job loss or death of a loved one.
To learn more about the signs of suicide and how you can help, we encourage you to attend a Question-Persuade-Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Training session.
A full list of current training sessions offered in the Greater Milwaukee Area can be found on the @PreventSuicideGreaterMilwaukee Facebook page or by emailing
important resources
Prevent Suicide Greater Milwaukee:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
Crisis Text Line serves anyone, in any type of crisis, providing access to free, 24/7 support and information via a medium people already use and trust: text.
Milwaukee County Mobile Crisis Team: 414-257-7222
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
NAMI: 1-800-850-6264
Teens helping Teens: Text TEEN to 839863 if you're a teenager to talk with someone your age about something you're trying to work out or just need someone to understand