what is a prescription Opioid?
Prescription opioids can be prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain, but can also have serious risks and side effects.
List of common types of prescription Opioids
Source: Dose of Reality WI
Oxycodone, Brand Names: OxyContin®, Percodan®, Percocet®
Hydrocodone, Brand Names: Vicodin®, Lortab®, Lorcet®
Diphenoxylate, Brand Names: Lomotil®
Morphine, Brand Names: Kadian®, Avinza®, MS Contin®
Codeine, Various Brand Names
Fentanyl, Brand Name: Duragesic®
Propoxyphene, Brand Name: Darvon®
Hydromorphone, Brand Name: Dilaudid®
Meperidine, Brand Name: Demerol®
Methadone, Various Brand Names
other Opioids
Synthetic Fentanyl illegally produce
risks and side effects of opioid use
Source: CDC.gov
Prescription opioids carry serious risks of addiction and overdose, especially with prolonged use. An opioid overdose, often marked by slowed breathing, can cause sudden death. The use of prescription opioids can have a number of side effects as well, even when taken as directed:
Tolerance—meaning you might need to take more of a medication for the same pain relief
Physical dependence—meaning you have symptoms of withdrawal when a medication is stopped
Increased sensitivity to pain
Nausea, vomiting, and dry mouth
Sleepiness and dizziness
Low levels of testosterone that can result in lower sex drive, energy, and strength
Itching and sweating
how a prescription opioid is misused
not following the prescription instructions
taking pills that are not prescribed to you
taking opioid to get high
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